Companionship is above all a grouping of tradesmen united by common desires of professional development, social agreement and transmission of heritage.

As in any companion society, it is offered a recognized and personalized training, without limit in time, and very different from the classical courses. Its attraction is based on travel and human relationships and its quality on extensive know-how and simple moral values.
Heir to a history going beyond the construction of cathedrals, the companionship evolved with the centuries to give birth to each epoch to honest and competent, free and generous men who participated in the preservation of the old works and The most innovative projects.


For this, it has always been built around a formidable tool : The Tour de France

Développer cet héritage

Society of the Companions stonemasons we are inspired by a historical organization to keep human relations and to provide an individualized training, while constituting an effective network and a solid structure on the whole of France.

For a young man or young woman today,  the compagnonnage is a traditional way to learn a trade while developping character by experiency community life and travel.
We will be always ready to answer your questions about the companionship and to inform you on the procedure to follow to "leave on the Tour"

Evening classes